I’m in Love With my BrylaneHome Stand Mixer!

A blogger for Mom Blog Society featured the stand mixer from BrylaneHome in a recent product review.

  • Husbands beware! Candy hearts, chocolate and flowers will only go so far to your woman’s heart (though to be honest I know lots of husbands who would love this too) …instead you should think about what she might need for the home and kitchen. Something that lasts, that she needs (or maybe just wants?) … you could choose to pick her up a sexy red Stand Mixer from BrylaneHome® – but I’m not giving mine up!

    This sleek and sexy mixer already has a place of honor on my cluttered, kid-approved counters and I’m already compiling recipes so that I can really put it to the test. But I had to take the opportunity to tell you about it, because I might be just a *little* in love with BrylaneHome® at this point and I thought I should really share the love. I’m a giving person!

    All About my New Love

    Sexy Mixer - All Mine

    Flexible and awesome electric stand mixer is a BrylaneHome® exclusive (which only stands to reason since this one is exclusively mine *grin*) and it has 2 stainless steel bowls, 2-qt. and 4-qt.. Since my youngest broke my last set of mixing bowls (and two television sets, several pictures, a cell phone, my laptop …) … I gave up hope of finding a stand mixer that wouldn’t have breakable bowls. Imagine my delight to find this one!

    Another bonus – this sexy sweetheart has suctioned feet so it sticks to the counter. That means my little Destructo boy can’t pull it off the counter as easily, but I can still pull it up and move it around the counter as I need it – because it isn’t heavy at all! I remember my grandmother’s old stand mixer – boy was it a heavy beast (and not nearly as sexy!) — as much as I always wanted one of my own I didn’t like how heavy it was (how easy the bowls broke …).

    This beauty also comes with a retractable cord, which  means I can hide it out of sight of Destructo boy (notice a theme?) and keep the clutter to a minimum – always a bonus!

    A few other sexy facts about my new best friend (what? you don’t have a relationship with your kitchen appliances? I pity you!):

    • comes with 2-qt. and 4-qt. stainless steel bowls
    • designed with min-max speeds
    • has stay-put suction feet
    • retractable cord
    • turbo speed button for extra power (that sounds super-hero-y, right?)
    • 500-watts
    • dimensions: 14″H x 13″W x 8½”D
    • Also includes: 2 beaters and 2 dough hooks (I see fresh-made bread in our future!)

    Sexy BrylaneHome Stand Mixer

    Simply put, this sexy machine deserves a place of honor on your kitchen counter tops, especially if you have your own Destructo boy (or girl?) around, love to bake (or hate to bake but love making it easier?), or love sexy red … er, sturdy and well-made kitchen appliances.

    I crossed this beauty off my Want! Gimme Now! List but I’ve already added more to replace it – I might be addicted! In the meantime you MUST share your favorite bread and cake recipes – from scratch!!! I’m itching to try a marvelous recipe with this sexy beast!

    Kind of want your own Sexy Stand Mixer? 

    BrylaneHome has got you covered – go check out the sweet machine here … go on, I’ll wait …


    Awesome … now go show BrylaneHome some social love, would you? You want more of their sexy kitchen stuff, right?

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  • My-Sexy-Stand-Mixer-200x300

    Brilliant Red Stand Mixer exclusively at BrylaneHome®

Media Credit:
Mom Blog Society

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