Fish & Chips with BrylaneHome

Product Review: Brylane Home Deep Fryer

By Heather – blogger at The Food Hussy
This week I got a great surprise from Brylane Home – they delivered their Deep Fryer with Triple Basket to the house (on sale now for $59.99 – regularly $99.99)! Larry didn’t waste a minute getting this set up and planning our first dinner with it!

We set it up on the counter – there wasn’t much to getting it ready. It does take up a bit of room – but once you take the basket out – it’s not too bad. There are definitely a few features about this deep fryer that I really like:

  • 3 baskets – so you can use the one large or the two smaller
  • magnetic cord that attaches to the back – I like that if it gets bumped it comes unplugged – a little safer
  • temperature gauge – it’s really easy to set and the light goes off when it’s up to temp
  • vented cover – everybody says fryers are so messy – but this cover keeps all the mess inside!

Larry was set on having fish & chips – so off I went to Kroger! I wasn’t sure what to buy for batter so I just grabbed a quick box from Kroger. All you do is add water and stir – it’s really simple. We’ve since used it 3x and still have 1/3 bag left – so it lasts a while.

After mixing the batter – we dipped cod & tilapia and then put in the basket. This is a mistake – put the basket in the hot oil- then drop the fish into the oil. I was an airhead and didn’t realize this. If you do it this way – the fish sticks to the basket. Duh! So remember – basket IN the oil – then you just use it to drain and grab the fish out.

Bubble away…I took the lid off just for the photo. Fish only takes a few minutes – it cooks so quick!

Larry put a few pieces in without batter – mostly by accident – but they tasted good. It was a quick flash-cooking but not sure I’d do it again without batter.

They were MUCH BETTER with batter! I can’t even honestly say which I liked better – the cod or the tilapia. They key is getting the pieces the same size and thickness so they cook the same. They didn’t really come out that oily but I drained them on paper towels just the same.

We also dropped some frozen french fries in for 2-3 minutes as well – just like McDonalds in my own kitchen!

Now – what else can you do in the fryer?


That’s right – you know the donuts from the Chinese Buffet?! They’re my favorite – it’s ridonkulous how much I love these! And now I can have them anytime I want! The best part — I just used the CHEAPEST 49 cent biscuits from Kroger. Drop them in 350 degree oil – about 1 minute on each side (you do need to flip them) – pop them out and roll them in sugar – done!

We are really enjoying this fryer and I think that fish & chips and donuts will be a staple in the Johnson house. We made a pile of fish & chips and everybody enjoyed them and the donuts were great for breakfast this morning!

You can get this fryer for under $60 – I think it’s a great value! Do you have a deep fryer? Let me know!


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